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Hydroponic Harvest Equipment | Trimmers | Extraction | Pakenham Hydroponics

Are you tired of manually trimming your plants? Maximize your time by investing in quality harvesting tools. Discover a wide rnge of high-quality tools designed to make harvesting, trimming and extraction a breeze. From precision trimmers to efficient extraction equipment, our range offers the essential tools you need for a succesful harvest.

Browse our selection of trimmers, designed to deliver clean and precise cuts, resulting in a professional finish. Additionally, explore our range of extraction equipment, engineered to maximize yield and potency while minimizing effort and waste.

Most efficient trimmers in Australia, in store now.

We also have Herb Oil Extraction Kits and accessories.

Centurion Pro | TrimPro | Original 420 | Chikamasa | Trim Bin | Twister

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True Terpenes - Georgia Pie

True Terpenes - Georgia Pie

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True Terpenes - Golden Pineapple

True Terpenes - Golden Pineapple

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True Terpenes - Grape Ape

True Terpenes - Grape Ape

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True Terpenes - Gruntz

True Terpenes - Gruntz

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True Terpenes - Ice Cream Cookies

True Terpenes - Ice Cream Cookies

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True Terpenes - Lemon Runtz

True Terpenes - Lemon Runtz

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True Terpenes - Lemonade Kush

True Terpenes - Lemonade Kush

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True Terpenes - Lime Sherbert Punch

True Terpenes - Lime Sherbert Punch

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True Terpenes - London Pound Cake

True Terpenes - London Pound Cake

Need assistance or can't find what you're looking for?

At Pakenham Hydroponics we put the success of the customer first, knowing that our future depends on their success.

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